ESS battery and inverter energy storage packs could revolutionise your home. These packs allow you to think about energy in a completely different way. Energy prices are soaring sky-high and show no signs of reducing. You can mitigate against this by considering energy storage to power your space. Here are the top 5 reasons to think about one of Eco Power Direct’s packs.
Harness Solar Power
This set-up gives you the option to add in solar power to use as energy. The great thing about solar power as we all know, is that it is free. Your location and number of panels will depend on what energy you can get out to use. However, this is an excellent way to become more self-reliant on energy. By combining it with the EVE ESS storage batteries too, you do not have to use the energy immediately, but instead when it suits you.
Reduce Your Energy Bills
These kits can allow you to reduce your energy bills significantly. The inverter can link to solar, but also to mains power. You can use load shifting to store your electricity for the next day. Some tariffs are cheaper overnight as energy is needed far less. Capture the cheapest energy available to you. This is a way that you can reduce your energy bills with our packs and keep control of your usage.
Build on the Basics
Our packs give you the basics you need for power storage. You can then build on this in your own way. If you would like more batteries, you can add more in parallel to work together. If you want to add a second inverter, then you can do that. This is particularly good for off-grid living where you might add more buildings over time. Also, for businesses that are rural, this could be a great set-up.
A Choice of Packs
We have multiple size packs available for you to choose from. Whether you prefer a single or multiple EVE ESS batteries, you have the choice. You can make a decision taking only your own needs into consideration. If you want to add more batteries or inverters later then then system set-up allows you to do this (up to a maximum) without issue. Start small and increase over time or go all-in to begin with. The choice is yours.
Make a Saving
Eco Power Direct’s ESS battery and inverter energy storage packs are the ultimate choice. After all, by buying our products together, you also make a saving. They are cheaper than the cost of the individual items if you buy them separately. This cost saving helps you to invest in a set-up such as this.
Get an ESS battery and inverter energy storage pack from Eco Power Direct today. They offer a cost reduction on our individual products for a limited time. This is a great option to get started with ESS batteries and energy storage. Make this part of your home and reduce your reliance on traditional peak time energy.
Always seek professional advice before you purchase one of our packs. Make sure it is the right system for you before you start.