This winter and probably into the future, there are likely to be power outages across the UK and Europe. Issues including Russia’s war with Ukraine is causing problems that will be felt across the supply. Gas shortages and a cold winter are a poor combination. Together they can cause problems with the supply. Energy companies are saying there could be periods of up to 3 hours without power. It may not sound like much but in a cold, dark house it will not be much fun. They expect them to be in the evening too after a long day at work. How can you prepare to make things a little more comfortable?
Let the Light In
Have your torches somewhere easily accessible with spare batteries. There is nothing like trying to find a torch in the dark and then finding the batteries have run out! Make sure there is a torch for each person in the house for safety. Candles can also add a warming and atmospheric glow. Candlelight can make you feel warm even if it does not increase the temperature. Just be careful never to leave a candle unattended or in a room with children.
Keep Warm
There are lots of ways to keep warm. From wearing a jumper, to wrapping yourself in a blanket they make a good start. You could make a warm casserole and keep the lid tightly on until it is time for dinner. Also consider filling a flask with boiling water so you can enjoy some hot drinks during the power outage. Finally, check your doors for drafts and avoid chilly air getting in. The warmer you can keep, the less you will feel the effects of the cold.
Something to Do
Sitting looking at the four walls makes the time go so slowly. Make sure you have things to do during the power outage. Get a radio with batteries and dance along to a few tunes to warm you up. Board games are having a huge revival in the UK and there are plenty of fun and inexpensive games to try. Getting lost in a good book can also be fun for more than just beach holidays! Take a walk as the power goes out. When you get back, you’ll be ready for a sit down. All of these things pass the time more quickly.
Another Way
Power outages may well become a regular thing and there are ways to tackle them. What if your personal power never had to go out? Our batteries are large volume you can use in groups to run your whole home. You charge them when power is cheap or using solar energy. You use the energy when it is at peak price, therefore saving in the long term. Take a look at our revolutionary product here. While personal research is important in choosing a product such as storage batteries, this should not replace professional advice. We always recommend getting some expert help to be sure our batteries are the correct product for your needs.